But how much of an increase are we talking?
After several years of significant success, it’s once again going to be more expensive to attend a Buffalo Bills home game in 2023. Per the team’s official website, the Bills’ organization saw its best turnout for the season ticket base in 2022, with a record-breaking 62,000 members.
Season ticket prices will increase, on average, by 12% for the 2023 season. As with previous seasons, there are seveal options available to fans who opt in for season ticket membership. General Admission (GA) Packages will range from $550-$1,850 (with an average package price of $1,038), while Club Packages will range from $2,045-$5,105 (with an average package price of $3,050). All pricing includes New York State Sales Tax.
As an organization, the Buffalo Bills continue to offer one of the most affordable season ticket packages among all NFL teams. The most affordable seats can be had for $550 per season, while better than half (56%) of GA packages are at or below $1,000. On a per-game level, average prices for GA seats will be $115, while prices for Club-level seats will average $339 per game.
With the season ticket renewal process underway, it may become more difficult to secure new seats at Highmark Stadium given the growth observed in total home attendance last season and around 6,000 people currently on the wait list for season tickets. All told, last season more than 2,500 additional tickets per game were sold, compared with the 2021 season — for an average of 70,428 fans in attendance for each home game.
The Bills expect the season ticket base to increase to 64,000 for the 2023 season, which means an opportunity to attend eight home games during the regular season.
Current season ticket holders have until March 15 to renew their seats for the 2023 season, which also grants members Bills Bucks and access to playoff tickets. Those who aren’t currently enrolled in the team’s season ticket system but remain on the wait list will be notified sometime in April about their first opportunity to purchase seats for the upcoming season.
For more information on the season-ticket process, including how and when current season ticket holders can relocate to different seats, plus general information about the season ticket process for the Bills’ new stadium set to open for the 2026 season, click through to the original article here.